Therapy For Trauma

Have you or a loved one experienced a traumatic life event?  Do you feel “broken” or “damaged” because of what happened?  Does your body feel tense, constantly on alert?  Are you constantly reminded of the ghosts of the past, the hardships that you’ve experienced, through nightmares or flashbacks?   

These are all signs of posttraumatic stress – a common psychological and physical reaction to experiencing something terrifying, life-threatening, or shocking.  Left untreated, posttraumatic stress can disrupt your career, your family life, and your wellbeing.   

But it doesn’t have to stay that way.  We are here for you.    

We are Pinder Counseling and we provide individual psychotherapy for trauma and PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) for people within the Florida area – people just like you.   

No one should have to suffer in silence.  If you are interested or ready to sign up for your first session, contact us today.  

What Is Therapy For Trauma?

Therapy for trauma (or trauma therapy) is the gold standard treatment for posttraumatic stress, and it helps people work through the hurt from the past to find peace and freedom again.    

 Trauma acts a lot like a broken bone that didn’t set quite right.  You and your therapist must revisit the injury, talk about the past, and change the way it affects you.  You can learn to finally overcome feelings of brokenness and move forward with your life, properly healed.   

 Many different experiences can cause trauma, although not all traumatic events will lead to symptoms of posttraumatic stress.  Here are some of the most common examples of events that bring people to therapy for trauma: 

As you begin psychotherapy for trauma, you will learn to: 

  • Break free from the past 
  • Understand the trauma  
  • Reduce reactions to triggers (strong emotions brought on by reminders of the trauma) 
  • Gain new insight and perspective 
  • Find motivation and purpose 
  • Regain a sense of control and confidence 
  • Use personally-tailored coping strategies 


Sign up with Pinder Counseling today to get the help you need. 

How does Pinder Counseling do Therapy for Trauma?

We meet one-on-one virtually to provide you with a convenient, confidential psychotherapy experience.  Therapists at Pinder Counseling are trauma-informed and intentionally designed to help you feel supported and welcome.   

 We utilize techniques from EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)  as well as CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), Motivational Interviewing, and Person-Centered to address symptoms of posttraumatic stress.  Together, we can help you train your mind and body to adapt and overcome through reframing, positive coping, and empowerment.  Your therapist’s job is to work themselves out of a job – and so he/she will do their best to provide you with the help you need as quickly and effectively as possible.    

 Our CEO Melonie Pinder created Pinder Counseling because she believed each person deserved a chance to be their best self and live their best life.   

 Together, we can make that happen.   

 Interested?  Let’s Connect! 

 Are you interested in hearing more about my practice?  Want to learn more about how I can help?  I would love to hear from you.  Click on Contact in the menu above!   

If you are ready to start the process, schedule your consul.