When You're FourFive Seconds From Wildin'

*Wildin’ (verb)-To go crazy to do something extreme.
You may have heard the song by Rihanna, Kanye West, and Paul McCartney titled “FourFive Seconds.” First let me start by saying I can definitely relate to every word of this song as I have indeed felt this way several times throughout my life; maybe you have too. For me, this feeling occurred mostly while I was at work, which may be the worst place it could possibly occur for obvious reasons. Recently, I listened to the song again and decided to provide helpful tips to keep you from wildin’ at work (especially when you have three more days till Friday.)
In an effort to keep things easy, I am offering 4 tips:
- Take a Deep breath: inhale for four seconds and exhale for 5 seconds. Deep breathing is helpful for two main reasons. First, it immediately reduces the stress and tension you may feel in the moment by sending signals to the brain to calm down. Secondly, it allows you a moment to pause and collect your thoughts. The hope is that this will allow you a moment to process what is actually occurring and ultimately decide against wildin’.
- Think of the top 4 consequences of wildin’: I want you to consider what would happen if you decided to engage in your level of wildin’. Would it mean you are fired or written up? Would it lead to complete embarrassment in front of peers thereafter? Would you be arrested? There are any number of scenarios that could occur if you decided to succumb to the intense feeling of wildin’; most of them not good. So, I want you to think about it and ask yourself “Is it even worth it?’ or “Are THEY worth it?” Now keep in mind I do not condone anything that would likely result in any of the above consequences thus my hope is that your answer is an emphatic NO. But considering the consequences gives you a moment to think before you act. I have several clients whom I have worked with in the past for impulsive decisions and what I hear most when asked what happened is “I wasn’t thinking.” Perhaps you have kids who would respond in the same manner. However, by taking a moment and using the Executive Functioning portion of our brain to consider the consequences, perhaps we can prevent this from occurring.
- Consider your Next 4 Bills: Unless you’re expecting a knock on your door from a spokesperson with Publishers Clearing House carrying balloons and a large check with your name printed, you have to work! The reality is, you have bills to pay. Thus, when you get the urge to begin wildin’, consider four bills you intended to pay with your next pay check. Now I want you to think of the added stress you would have if you did not have the funds to pay said bills. Ultimately, wildin’ would simply add another level of stress to your life. While wildin’ may feel good in the moment, the aftermath is just not worth it. If you are one of the fortunate few who have your bills paid for the month, think about the next four purchases you intended to make with your next check. Same rules apply.
- Take a 4/5 minute Time Out: Time outs are not just for the kids, they are for adults as well and we should probably take more of them. It’s okay to give yourself a brief break to step away from the situation to collect your thoughts. Kindly excuse yourself, go to the nearest restroom and consider tips 1-3 during this self-imposed “time out.” If you are able to walk outside to get some fresh air during this break by all means do so! This time out is meant to help you recharge enough to power through the remainder of the day, and perhaps make it to Friday.
Written By,
Melonie Pinder, LMHC